Aggregate Water Budget Time Series Data
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Retrieves aggregate water budget data for a site by passing in the appropriate options; you can search for available inventory in the system.
Click on the arrow next to the "response" block in the link below to see the API schema and an example response.
Create a Pandas Excel writer function to save each dataframe to a separate sheet.
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Search based on a reporting unit identifer that is unique across the memebr states.
Search based on a reporting unit type (e.g., HUC, County, Custom) across the memebr states.
This is a high-level variable used for site-specific water data. The general categories available are for water withdrawal, consumptive use, and return flow: [SiteSpecificWithdrawal], [SiteSpecificConsumptiveUse], [SiteSpecificReturnFlow]
This is a subcategorization of the aggregated variable. This allows the user to specify not only the general category of water data, but also a more specific categorization. For example, for a subcategorization of water supply, the variable would be [AggregatedWaterSupply, Reservoir]. For a subcategorization of water withdrawal, the variable would be [AggregatedWithdrawal, Irrigation]. Other examples: [AggregatedConsumptiveUse, Irrigation], [AggregatedReturnFlow, Discharge], etc.
Search for aggregate data based on a beneficial Use category (primary?) (i.e. Irrigation) as defined by each state
a USGS water use category from the USGS controlled vocabulary (e.g. irrigation, groundwater, fresh)
Search for aggregate data for the dates later than this start date DD/MM/YYYY (e.g., . Leaving it empty would return all data to the first date in the database
Search for aggregate data for the dates earlier than this end date DD/MM/YYYY (e.g., . Leaving it empty would return all data to the last date in the database
Search for water budget data within a boundary (i.e., Upper Colorado, Bear River) within or across state boarderes
Two letter state abbreviation
0-based index for where to start querying for records. Defaults to 0 if not specified
Number of records to retrieve. Defaults to 1000 if not specified.