Site-Specific Time Series Data
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Retrieves historical time series data for two types of data in WaDE for a site by passing in the appropriate options; you can search for available inventory in the system.
Reservoirs and Observation Site Time Series Water Data Reservoir and Observation Site data refer to the historic water flows or volumes by gage stations that States operate year-round or seasonally. This data is separate from streamflow information gathered through federal agencies such as USGS or the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Knowing river and reservoir status can help with long-term planning and flood forecasting modeling. Two relative measurements often used are discharge and gage height. Discharge is the rate at which a volume of water passes by a particular location. Gage height is a measurement of the distance between the water's surface above the stream gage's datum reference point (i.e., a unique reference point used to accommodate for changes in a stream channel over time). Reservoirs and Observation Site Water Recordings demo:
Public Supply Time Series Data - (Water Use) Refers to the reported deliveries to urban water service areas, known as the place of use (i.e., farmstead, municipal city boundary, residential use, etc.), along with the water source intake locations, known as point of diversion (i.e., river, canal, groundwater, etc.). Put another way, water is withdrawn from site-specific locations and then applied (i.e., depleted) at a different location. Site-Specific Public Supply Water use demo:
Click on the arrow next to the "response" block n the link below to see the API schema and an example response.
Creating easy to ready table for related POD sites per POU site from RelatedPODSites and RelatedPOUSites fields.
Create temp POU table, create temp POD table, then concatenate into single output table.
By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system
Search based on a univeral Site identifer across all the states in WaDE
Search based on a controlled Site type identifer across all the states in WaDE
pass an optional search string for looking up inventory
number of records to skip for pagination
Search for site specific data based on a beneficial Use category (primary?) (i.e. Irrigation) as defined by each state
a USGS water use category from the USGS controlled vocabulary (e.g. irrigation, groundwater, fresh)
Search for site specific data with StartDate later than this end date DD/MM/YYYY (e.g., . Leaving it empty would return all data to the earliest date in the database
Search for site specific with EndDate date earlier than this end date DD/MM/YYYY (e.g., . Leaving it empty would return all data to the last TimeframeEndDate date in the database
Search for water allocations within a geo-spatial boundary within or across state boarders (e.g., Bear River watershed)
Two letter state abbreviation.
0-based index for where to start querying for records. Defaults to 0 if not specified.
Number of records to retrieve. Defaults to 1000 if not specified.